Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Great interview, great lady

Katha Pollitt - check out her articles in The Nation or her books, she rules.

Friday, November 26, 2010

sometimes, yeah sometimes, i wish i were a boy

This post is inspired by the Ciara video, "Like a Boy" that Koz posted earlier.
I like collecting songs that make direct comments on gender. These next songs in particular (including the Ciara one) investigate a gender role-reversal. I would be surprised to find a similar hypothetical, sung by a man wishing he were a woman or at least considering what it would be like. If such a song existed, in the state of popular music now, it would never chart like a Beyonce gender-bender jam about being a detached, cheatery cop.


Another song by Beyonce... The video being sort of a feminist throwback, vibing on  fifties suburban housewives. The lyrics though are decidedly about the singer's value as percieved by the man she's with- singing "why don't you love me". The most powerfully delivered line repeats "theres nothing not to love about me". No mention on how she feels about him, whether or not there is nothing not to love about him. At one point she does posit that he may not be the one. No joke!

** there is a weird R-Kelly answer remix version of this song if you feel like checking it out.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Amber's art

If you are in Ypsilanti and you want to see some rad photographs, go see Amber's work at the Ugly Mug on Cross! Yay, do it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Telling Latinos not to vote?

Apparently, a group called Latinos for Reform, a Republican group, is paying $80,000 to air this ad on Univision:

What about Republicans that are spreading anti-immigrant sentiment? Do you think that refusing to vote is going to help Latinos gain visibility or acceptance?

One of my favorite songs/videos

Just flashing back to 2007, to one of my favorite jams from that year:

I think this song/video is really empowering, what do you think?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Black women and reproductive freedom

Check it out:

Abortion Conspiracy Promo from STV Productions on Vimeo.

It seems that anti-choice activists really have their sights set on women of color and their choices about their own bodies. But do they really have the women's and children's of color best interests in mind?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome to the WGSSA blog!

Hello! We are just getting off the ground here. This will be the official blog of the WGSSA. This blog will represent the varied interests of our membership and will be a place for dialogue and communication. More coming soon.